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PostgreSQL Python: Update Data in a Table

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to update data in a PostgreSQL table from a Python program.

This tutorial picks up from where the Inserting Data Into Table Tutorial left off.

Steps for updating data in a PostgreSQL table from Python

To update data from a table in Python, you follow these steps:

  • First, connect to the PostgreSQL server.
  • Next, create a cursor object from the connection object.
  • Then, execute an UPDATE statement by calling the execute() method of the cursor object.
  • After that, commit the changes by calling the commit() method of the connection object.
  • Finally, optionally obtain the number of updated rows from the rowcount property of the cursor object.

Updating data in a table example

We will use the vendors table in the suppliers database for the demonstration:


1) Creating module

Suppose a vendor changed its name, you need to reflect these changes in the vendors table.

To achieve this, you can define a function update_vendor(), which updates the vendor name based on the vendor id.

First, create a new module called in the project directory.

Second, define update_vendor() function in the module:

import psycopg2
from config import load_config

def update_vendor(vendor_id, vendor_name):
    """ Update vendor name based on the vendor id """

    updated_row_count = 0

    sql = """ UPDATE vendors
                SET vendor_name = %s
                WHERE vendor_id = %s"""

    config = load_config()

        with  psycopg2.connect(**config) as conn:
            with  conn.cursor() as cur:

                # execute the UPDATE statement
                cur.execute(sql, (vendor_name, vendor_id))
                updated_row_count = cur.rowcount

            # commit the changes to the database
    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
        return updated_row_count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    update_vendor(1, "3M Corp")

2) Execute the module

First, open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Unix-like systems.

Second, execute the module:


3) Verify the update

First, connect to the PostgreSQL server using the psql client tool:

psql -U postgres

Second, change the current database to suppliers:

\c suppliers

Third, retrieve data from the vendors table with the vendor id 1:

  vendor_id = 1;


vendor_id | vendor_name
         1 | 3M Corp
(1 row)

The name of the vendor id 1 has been changed as expected.

Download the project source code


  • Use the execute() method of a cursor object to execute an UPDATE statement that updates data in a table

Last updated on

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