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PostgreSQL Tutorial/PostgreSQL PHP/Insert Data Into Tables in PHP

PostgreSQL PHP: Insert Data Into Tables

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use PHP PDO API to insert data into a PostgreSQL database table.

Steps for inserting data into a PostgreSQL table using PDO

To insert data into a database table, you use the following steps:

  1. First, connect to the PostgreSQL database server by creating a new instance of the PDO class.
  2. Next, construct an INSERT statement. If you want to pass parameters to the INSERT statement, you use the named placeholders such as :param
  3. Then, prepare the INSERT statement by calling the prepare() method of the PDO object. The prepare() method returns a PDOStatement object.
  4. After that, pass the values to the statement by calling the bindValue() method of the PDOStatement object.
  5. Finally, call the execute() method of the PDOStatement object to execute the INSERT statement.

We will use the stocks table that we created in the previous tutorial for demonstration purposes.

Let’s create a new class named PostgreSQLPHPInsert in the app folder and the index.php file in the project folder.

PostgreSQL PHP Insert Example

Inserting a single row into a table example

The following insertStock() method inserts a new row into the stocks table.

     * insert a new row into the stocks table
     * @param type $symbol
     * @param type $company
     * @return the id of the inserted row
    public function insertStock($symbol, $company) {
        // prepare statement for insert
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO stocks(symbol,company) VALUES(:symbol,:company)';
        $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

        // pass values to the statement
        $stmt->bindValue(':symbol', $symbol);
        $stmt->bindValue(':company', $company);

        // execute the insert statement

        // return generated id
        return $this->pdo->lastInsertId('stocks_id_seq');

First, construct an INSERT statement that uses two named placed holders: :symbol and :company for binding values later.

Next, prepare the insert statement for execution by calling the prepare() method of the PDO object.

Then, passing the values to the statement by calling the bindValue() method.

After that, execute the INSERT statement by calling the execute() method.

Finally, get the ID of the last inserted row by calling the lastInsertId() method of the PDO object

the PDO_PGSQL extension requires us to specify the name of the sequence object as the parameter, we passed the stocks_id_seq string to the function to get the generated ID.

Insert multiple rows into a table example

The following insertStockList() method inserts multiple rows into the stocks table.

     * Insert multiple stocks into the stocks table
     * @param array $stocks
     * @return a list of inserted ID
    public function insertStockList($stocks) {
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO stocks(symbol,company) VALUES(:symbol,:company)';
        $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

        $idList = [];
        foreach ($stocks as $stock) {
            $stmt->bindValue(':symbol', $stock['symbol']);
            $stmt->bindValue(':company', $stock['company']);
            $idList[] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId('stocks_id_seq');
        return $idList;

The method accepts an array of stocks and calls the execute() method multiple times to insert multiple rows into the stocks table. It returns a list of inserted IDs.

Place the following code in the index.php file to test the insertStock() and insertStockList() methods.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use PostgreSQLTutorial\Connection as Connection;
use PostgreSQLTutorial\PostgreSQLPHPInsert as PostgreSQLPHPInsert;

try {
    // connect to the PostgreSQL database
    $pdo = Connection::get()->connect();
    $insertDemo = new PostgreSQLPHPInsert($pdo);

    // insert a stock into the stocks table
    $id = $insertDemo->insertStock('MSFT', 'Microsoft Corporation');
    echo 'The stock has been inserted with the id ' . $id . '<br>';

    // insert a list of stocks into the stocks table
    $list = $insertDemo->insertStockList([
        ['symbol' => 'GOOG', 'company' => 'Google Inc.'],
        ['symbol' => 'YHOO', 'company' => 'Yahoo! Inc.'],
        ['symbol' => 'FB', 'company' => 'Facebook, Inc.'],

    foreach ($list as $id) {
        echo 'The stock has been inserted with the id ' . $id . '<br>';
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Launch the index.php in the web browser, we got the following output:

The stock has been inserted with the id 1
The stock has been inserted with the id 2
The stock has been inserted with the id 3
The stock has been inserted with the id 4

In this tutorial, you have learned how to insert a single row or multiple rows into a table in the PostgreSQL database using PHP PDO.

Last updated on

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