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PostgreSQL Tutorial/Administration/Creating Tablespaces


Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to create tablespaces by using the PostgreSQL CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

Introduction to PostgreSQL tablespace

A tablespace is a disk location where PostgreSQL stores data files containing database objects such as indexes and tables.

PostgreSQL uses a tablespace to associate a logical name to a physical location on the disk.

PostgreSQL comes with two default tablespaces:

  • pg_default tablespace stores user data.
  • pg_global tablespace stores global data.

Tablespaces enable you to control the disk layout of PostgreSQL. There are two primary advantages to using tablespaces:

  • First, if a partition on which the cluster was initialized runs out of space, you can create a new tablespace on a different partition and utilize it until you reconfigure the system.
  • Second, you can use statistics to optimize database performance. For example, you can place the frequent access indexes or tables on fast-performing devices like solid-state drives, and store the less frequently accessed archive data on slower devices.


To create a new tablespace, you use theĀ CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

Here is the basic syntax of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement:

CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name
OWNER user_name
LOCATION directory_path;

The name of the tablespace should not start with pg_ since these names are reserved for the system tablespaces.

By default, the user who executes the CREATE TABLESPACE become the owner of the tablespace. To assign ownership to another user, you specify it after the OWNER keyword.

The directory_path is the absolute path to an empty directory used for the tablespace. PostgreSQL system users must have onwership of this directory to read from and write data into it.

After creating a new table space, you can specify it in the CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements to store data files of the objects in the tablespace.

PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE examples

The following statement uses the CREATE TABLESPACE to create a new tablespace called ts_primary with the physical location c:\pgdata\primary.

LOCATION 'c:\pgdata\primary';

Notice that this statement used Unix-style slashes for the directory path. Additionally, the directory c:\pgdata\primary must exist before executing the command.

To list all tablespaces in the current PostgreSQL database server, you use the \db command:



List of tablespaces
    Name    |  Owner   |     Location
 pg_default | postgres |
 pg_global  | postgres |
 ts_primary | postgres | c:\pgdata\primary
(3 rows)

The \db+ command shows more information such as size and access privileges:



List of tablespaces
    Name    |  Owner   |     Location      | Access privileges | Options |  Size   | Description
 pg_default | postgres |                   |                   |         | 62 MB   |
 pg_global  | postgres |                   |                   |         | 591 kB  |
 ts_primary | postgres | c:\pgdata\primary |                   |         | 0 bytes |
(3 rows)

The following statement creates the logistics database that uses the ts_primary tablespace:

TABLESPACE ts_primary;

In this statement, we specify the tablespace ts_primary for the logistics database.

The following statement creates a new table called deliveries and inserts a row into the table:

CREATE TABLE deliveries (
    order_date DATE,
    customer_id INT

INSERT INTO deliveries(order_date, customer_id)

Since the ts_primary tablespace has some data, you can view its information using the following command in psql:

\db+ ts_primary


Name    |  Owner   |     Location      | Access privileges | Options |  Size   | Description
 ts_primary | postgres | c:\pgdata\primary |                   |         | 8004 kB |
(1 row)


  • A tablespace is a location on the storage device where PostgreSQL stores data files.
  • Use the CREATE TABLESAPCE statement to create a new tablespace.

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